Levi Strauss and World

Levi Strauss and World
From Denim a Rainbow of Possibilities

Friday, May 14, 2010

Aaker's Brand Personality Scale for Levi's

According to Aaker’s Brand Personality Scale (Keller, P 371) Levis has the following Personality Ratings (other companies are included for comparison):

                      Levi’s    Lee       Nike     Apple

Sincerity          1.20    1.14        .98         .92

Excitement      1.11    1.00      1.17          .95

Competence   1.05     .99       1.03       1.07

Sophistication 1.13    1.09      1.05         .86

Ruggedness    1.43    1.34      1.36         .92

This represent a very solid reputation and a high level of regard by the public that Levi’s has built through experience and advertising. Of the 37 companies in the chart in the textbook no company score higher than the ruggedness indicator for Levi’s nor did any other score as highly overall. This is an important asset and they must be kept in mind for marketing decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi i was wondering, which textbook did u get the stats from? I was thinking it would help in my branding assignment..

